I hope you have a lovely New Years, everyone. Here is sending you warmth and kindness. We are going into a very unknown time in our country here in the USA, and the hatred and divisions are creating such a scary time for those with any sense of justice or fairness. We need to focus on creating safe communities for all, and we need to be each other's safety nets in this unknown time. We must not let fear win. We must not let hatred divide us. For if we do, they will win. United, we can create a strong tide of hope, peace and kindness. That does not mean turn the other cheek, it means stand up and unite. Do what you can to not support the hate and divisions. Foster sanity, love and care in your own communities and do what you can to grow it out from there. Get away from social media if possible, do not engage. Engagement is what they want. If we dont' give it to them, they can't get to you. Vote as much as possible in local elections and keep your hope...