Tuesday, September 24, 2013


This week on Flickr, I am participating in the group "One Week of Pics" where we do a photo per day based around a theme. This weeks theme is Memories. This is a particularly poignant theme for me, as I have so many wonderful memories that I cherish and hold close to my heart from when I was a child to now. Memories for me speak to the emotions that those memories evoke, and I cannot do this week without thinking back to my parents, and how much I miss them, and how thankful I am that they brought me to this world.
I lost my Dad when I was 16 on June 21st. My Mother left to join him two years ago on the same date. Words fail me to express the sorrow of losing a loved one.. and maybe words really don't have to be spoken. This photo is dedicated to them, to my innocent time, and to all of those who are struggling with loss of some kind. Life is sweet. Cherish those memories.

With thanks to my sweet friend Emaline, who created this pose for me and without whom many of my pictures would have never been. Thank you :) And thank you to Zubi, who encourages me and pushes me to be better..
And to another dear friend who has watched me work from afar and recently has helped me and encouraged me to create.. <33

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