I really loved this post because it mirrored what I have been working on in RL. Living with an autoimmune disease means that you have to take care of your body, whether its getting more sleep, less stress, and more activity, its simply what needs to be done in order to keep yourself healthy, physically and mentally. When your joints ache and you are fatigued beyond what you thought was possible, yet you have to work and take care of your family, its imperative that self-care takes priority. I've slowed down my blogging a bit, because there are only a limited amount of hours in the day.
With all the hard work I have done I've been rewarded with a more positive mental outlook, a stronger body and a leaner one too! There is no magic bullet.. drinking lots of water, getting some type of physical activity every day and enjoying clean, healthy food with a few times here and there to splurge is the real work we have to put in. Life is about balance. Here's wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy February!
top and jogging shorts: Dafni, Chanel outfit
hair: Magika, checkpoint
head: Catwa, Catya Bento mesh head
shape: my own
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