"But what could you possibly see in her?
Everything. I see everything in her,
because the stardust that makes her
is the same stardust that makes me."
eyes: Cubic Cherry, Stormy eyes
comes with mesh with 12 color options in the pack, as well
as a shadow add-on and
a Catwa eye applier
exclusive for
lip appliers: .ARISE.
Lynn lips, Catwa appliers in various tones
brights and naturals ( I am wearing #7)
hand jewelry: glyph, Apex shadow, for Maitreya Bento hands
@ We<3 RP May edition, opens May 4th
dress: Enfant Terrible, Mia, in Creme
in Maitreya, Isis, Hourglass and Freya fits
hair: Tukinowaguma, Lifar hair
skin: YS&YS, Susanna Catwa applier
tone 02
head: Catwa, Anna Grey mesh head
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