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Silver Threads: The Casting

This is my first post since I decided to take a little break, and I wanted to start off with talking about connections. In SL as in our everyday lives, we make connections, often they are brief, sometimes not so, and there are many variations in between. I've always wondered what is it that attracts people to each other, and what is it that keeps us connected. Why do we feel like we know someone when we've just met them? Why do we meet the people we do? Perhaps the answer lies in the ancient concept of the Fates:  Clotho, the spinner, who spins the thread of life. Lachesis, the measurer, who choses the lot in life one will have and measures off how long it is to be. Atropos, she who cannot be turned, who at death with her shears cuts the thread of life. 
These threads are connected to each of us, and we in turn are connected to each other. Some threads are stronger than others, and some connections are never broken. This idea of the the delicate silver threads that weave into and out of our lives through out time is fascinating to me... in this I hoped to do a set of three images that spoke to those threads. 
With a big thanks to PeterJackson who so kindly offered to create these poses for me. You can find the Silver Threads pose on MP, and two more will be coming your way.. and who knows? maybe even more :) 
Thank you Peter for your help in realizing this image. 


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