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love your body...

While taking a break from blogging, I ended up blogging! lol! Actually, this is something near and dear to my heart, and I couldn't pass up the chance to do a commentary/pic in support of body acceptance. I came across the skins in .:Soul:., created by Lerochelle Destiny and one of the demos I tried had a notecard describing why the creator made the skin as it was, with a "soft" belly. She described how her daughter, just about 10, commented on how she wished she was "thin". As a mother to two beautiful girls, that just broke my heart, as I understand the feeling of not wanting to look like you do, and I would never want that for my babies. The creator went on to ask that anyone who either bought the skin or just tried the demo, to please wear it on a larger, curvier shape, and post it to her flickr, so she could show her daughter that fuller figured still was beautiful. 

Now, I will take it a step further and say.. ANYBODY is beautiful. The beauty that we see inside is what radiates, even if you are a size 2 or 22. We come in all shapes and sizes, and we should accept and celebrate that, rather than make someone feel ashamed of their body, small or large. And, yes, I know some will bring in the issue of health, but if you are a size 6 and you barely eat, you can be just as unhealthy as someone who is carrying extra weight. Extremes are dangerous, gentle moderation and striving to be healthy are what  we need to teach. 

I have two girls. Both are beautiful in their own right, and both deserve to be loved for the spirit within them. I think they are absolutely gorgeous, but that's a proud momma talking ;) 

I am a very proud Mommy.. and I love my body. It grew and carried two healthy babies and birthed them in love. My body is round, soft and strong.. It can do amazing things, bring intense pleasure and serves me daily to care and nurture my family. How is that not beautiful? 

In the end, the message is OWN your body. Treat it as the temple it really is, for YOU carry the Goddess inside (or God, as you may wish). See that eternal soul in everyone and you will see that there is little to the outside that can compete with the love and inner light and beauty we carry. 

Its up to us to create the change we want to see in the world, as one very wise man said. 


  1. Thank you, Tess.
    When I grow up I want to be just like you.


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