Friday, August 12, 2016

Her kiss was like a storybokk from ancient history...

“I once had a love
who folded secrets between her thighs like napkins
and concealed memories in the valley of her breasts.
There was no match for the freckles on her chest,
and no one could mistake them for a field of honeysuckles.
Upon her lips, a thousand lies were spread in sweet gloss.
Her kiss was like a storybook from ancient history.
She was at home with the body of a man inside her, beside her.
At night, when she lay in bed crying,
no one could mistake the tears she wept for a summer shower
She is gone, my love. She was a wanderess, a wildflower.”
Roman Payne

eyes: Mesange, Legend eyes, 

head: Catwa, Cami

skin applier: Insol, Illona in copper

hair: Magika
stay the night

gloss: Dulce Secrets, Luster gloss applier set

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