Shape- Sally, for LOGO's Chelsea head
I am so happy to see LOGO's new Anniversary releases. Both the Chelsea and Chase heads are just lovely! LOGO was my first mesh head; I had the Alex head at that time. I loved the profile and detailing, plus the expressions were priceless! It convinced me mesh was worth it and I've never looked back since.
This head is free to group members ( group is free to join) and will be free for about two weeks at LOGO's main store anniversary event. Highly urge you to try to go if you can and get it. Be sure to look for other gifts there as well as stores that have put out skins, etc for this head.
The shape I made is called Sally, and you can find her on my marketplace. She is compatible with Maitreya's Lara mesh body, but it is fully modifiable so you can tweak it for other bodies easily.
I've included BOM freckles, BOM blush, and BOM under eye heart tattoos with this shape, as well as an eyebrow shaper and a style card.
This head is meant to follow the trend of moving towards BOM friendly mesh, allowing customers to fully utilize BOM cosmetics and enhancements. It is also Omega friendly though, so you can use, for example, Omega eye appliers for the eyes. You will need the Omega LOGO kit for this to activate it. This can be found in the marketplace.
I did pick up the skin seen here at the event when I picked up the head. The skin is from the Skinnery, called Demi. It only comes with a head layer, however, so you will need to purchase the body skin separately.
I hope you guys enjoy, please try the demo and reach out to me with customer service anytime!
Happy Shopping!
Tess xox
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